If you’re embarrassed by gaps in your teeth, you’ll be happy to know that there are many tooth replacement options available.
If you teach your children about dental hygiene, they will develop good habits that will last a lifetime.
If your teeth are irreparably damaged, your dentist will have to extract them. This will leave large gaps in the mouth, which will inhibit your ability to chew properly.
To keep or not to keep? That is the question. Wisdom teeth are the last permanent teeth to appear and are known as third molars. They are positioned at the back of the jaws, and can appear as early as 16 years old or as late as 65 years old. Not everyone will have wisdom […]
Treatment of head and neck cancer requires a multidisciplinary team approach. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, either on their own or in combination is recommended based on global data. In many instances there are treatment options available and these will be discussed with your specialist. Why is it important to see a dentist? A side effect […]
A root canal is the central chamber of the tooth. It’s also known as the pulp chamber. The pulp chamber looks more like a crown and it contains connective tissues and nerves.
As part of their oral health care diagnostic testing, patients may undergo a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan. CBCT is also known as cone beam volumetric tomography (CBVT). CBCT scans can provide dentists and specialists (such as orthodontists and surgeons) with important information to help them with decisions regarding oral health care. What […]
If you’re considering a switch to dentures, you’ll likely have a lot of questions to ask: How will the dentures look on you? Will you be able to chew normally? Will they affect your speech?
If you neglect your teeth, you’re likely to suffer from severe decay, gum disease, gum recession and tooth loss.
Gum disease (also known as periodontal disease) occurs when bacteria start attacking the gums and the teeth.