Dear Valued Patient,
At Coburg Dental Group, we consider your health and safety our highest priority. Amid the recent Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Australia, and the WHO declaration of a worldwide pandemic, it’s important that we give you as much information as possible about the cross-contamination and infection control policy and procedures which we have always implemented in order to maintain a hygienic environment and ensure the safety of all our patients, staff, friends and families. These measures, which are also applicable to COVID-19, were implemented many years ago as regulated by the Dental Board of Australia guidelines.
We will continue to uphold our high clinical and sanitation standards. These practices include:
- Wipe down of treatment surfaces and equipment after each customer interaction with an approved neutral detergent or ozonated water.
- Dentists, dental hygienists and nurses washing hands and/or using alcohol rub and then wearing treatment gloves before and after each patient interaction.
- New face masks are always worn and are changed for each patient
- Thorough cleaning of all high touch areas, including reception surfaces, door handles and benches
- Sterilization of all reusable instruments according to Standards Australia guidelines
- Disposal of all single use instruments
- Disposal of all sharps in sharp containers
- Availability of hand sanitizer throughout the practice
As clients, please help reduce the risk of cross-infection by:
- Frequently cleaning hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water
- When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with elbow or tissue
- Avoid close contact with anyone that has a fever, sore throat and/or cough
Have you recently travelled overseas?
The Australian Government mandates that you self-isolate for 14 days after your return and thus we ask you to please not attend your appointment.
Thereafter, please be aware of your health and if you feel unwell, develop a fever or cough, please seek medical attention to determine whether testing for COVID-19 is required.
If you have been in close contact with someone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19, you should also self-isolate for 14 days.
For those who need to reschedule their appointment, we will offer flexibility and availability for all of our patients.
Finally, we would like to reassure you that none of our staff have recently returned from any high risk area, or overseas country in the last 14 days or have displayed symptoms of COVID-19 requiring testing. We will be monitoring this situation very closely. Our staff are fully aware of their responsibilities as health care workers.
For more information or updates from the Department of Health see
Coronavirus COVID-19 daily update
We are keeping up to date with communications from the Department of Health every day so if any of our procedures need to change we will implement any new recommendations immediately.
We are open for business as usual and look forward to seeing you soon.
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us on (03) 9386 1805.