A root canal is the central chamber of the tooth. It’s also known as the pulp chamber. The pulp chamber looks more like a crown and it contains connective tissues and nerves.
As part of their oral health care diagnostic testing, patients may undergo a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan. CBCT is also known as cone beam volumetric tomography (CBVT). CBCT scans can provide dentists and specialists (such as orthodontists and surgeons) with important information to help them with decisions regarding oral health care. What […]
If you’re considering a switch to dentures, you’ll likely have a lot of questions to ask: How will the dentures look on you? Will you be able to chew normally? Will they affect your speech?
If you neglect your teeth, you’re likely to suffer from severe decay, gum disease, gum recession and tooth loss.
Gum disease (also known as periodontal disease) occurs when bacteria start attacking the gums and the teeth.
Fillings and crowns are materials used to restore damaged teeth. Fillings are ideal for minor decays. Crowns, on the other hand, are more suitable for severe decays or cracks in the teeth. Fillings and crowns come in different types.
Retainers are dental appliances used after active orthodontic treatment. They’re custom-made appliances that consist of a mix of both plastic and metal.
Braces are metallic appliances that are fixed on the surface of the teeth. They’re easily visible but they have a number of advantages over removable orthdontics.
Bruxism, or involuntary teeth grinding, is common in children. The true cause of teeth grinding is unknown, but certain factors like stress, bite problems and tooth eruption influence this sleep disorder in children.
A study entitled ‘A survey of sports drinks consumption amongst adolescents’, published in the British Dental Journal (2016) found that a high percentage of 12-14 year olds regularly consume sweet sugary sports and energy drinks. These drinks increase their risk of obesity and tooth erosion. “Unfortunately there is wide appeal to consume sports drinks and/or […]