Sleep Apnoea Relief
Sleep Apnoea Treatment in Coburg
At Coburg Dental Group, we offer patients an effective solution for the problems associated with snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea.
While snoring itself is not dangerous to your health, it may be a sign of sleep apnoea, which is a far more serious condition. With this condition, the airway becomes completely blocked and breathing stops. The brain then detects the lack of oxygen and prompts a momentary arousal to draw breath.
At Coburg Dental Group, we recommend the use of SomnoDent mandibular advancement splints, a custom-made device that is worn during sleep to open your upper airway and reduce collapsibility.
What is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?
Obstructive sleep apnoea can have a significant impact on quality of life, placing unnecessary strain on relationships between bed partners, family and the workplace.
It is a serious health condition, linked to excessive tiredness, depression and reduced resistance to infection. When left untreated it can increase the risk of heart attack, hypertension, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, catching colds and even death.

Discuss Your Options with a Qualified Dentist
What Are the Causes?
During sleep, our upper airway muscles relax, including those that control the tongue and throat. The soft tissue (or flesh) at the back of your throat can sag, narrowing the airway. Incoming air makes the tissue at the rear roof of the mouth (the soft palate), the flap of skin hanging from the palate (uvula) and the throat vibrate — a sound we know as snoring.
Although sufferers may experience hundreds of apnoea episodes per night, they are unlikely to remember any of them. In fact, if the sufferer lives alone or sleeps separately, they may not be aware of their condition, even after many years.
How to Know if You Are a Sufferer?
If you display symptoms such as snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, fatigue and pauses in your breathing, it is essential that you seek the right treatment option.
- Do you snore?
- Do you have high blood pressure?
- Do you feel fatigued or excessively tired during the day?
- Have you been told you choke or gasp during sleep?
- Have you attempted any treatments for sleep-disordered breathing?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, ask your dentist about being evaluated further for risk of sleep disordered breathing.
Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnoea with SomnoDent
A SomnoDent mandibular advancement splint is comprised of upper and lower dental trays with a unique patented fin coupling component. The device is worn while you sleep, and allows normal mouth opening and closing. The neatly concealed coupling mechanisms are ideally located for maximum patient comfort.
Clinically Proven, Comfortable and Convenient
A SomnoDent splint is a clinically validated treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea, with more than 14 independent studies and over a decade’s worth of research demonstrating the device’s efficacy.
It offers significant clinical benefits, including:
- Exceptional levels of patient compliance – 88% of patients reported nightly use of SomnoDent
- Treatment efficacy – 91% of patients reported improvement in sleep quality
- Acceptance – 96% of patients stated they would like to continue using SomnoDent
SomnoDent treatment has also been shown to have a clinically significant impact in reducing patients’ blood pressure and has been predicted to reduce the risk of stroke.